Wednesday, August 12, 2009

South Beeeeeeeeeeach --Finally!

Here is the post you all have been drooling for waiting on. Maybe not, but I've threatened to do it for a week now, so suffer!

Last Monday 8-3 we were supposed to come home. Shelly had taken a ton of pictures at Butterfly World the day before and she couldn't feel her thumb on her right hand. She drove us down there in her beautiful Firebird. It's a stick and I can't drive it.

Sunday night when she called me to make plans to pic me up, I could just hear it in her voice that she didn't want to leave. Quite frankly, I wasn't ready to leave yet either. Be 15 minutes from South Beach and never see it?? I think not!

I told her I had a week's vacation I could use if I needed it and that we didn't HAVE to leave. She was so relieved. We made plans for the beach instead.

First, we went to

One of Sobe's (South Beach) biggest hot spots.

This guy was our waiter mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

We had Eggs Benedict, fruit and peach/lemonade. It was wonderful.

Here is the view from up and down the street

Then we walk about 400ft to get to the beach itself. We rent some chairs and and umbrella. One woman came up and said to the attendant that was doing the rentals "You know the guy I was here with when we rented from you?" The umbrella lady gives her a blank stare. "You know, he was about this tall, blond hair and really tan? I wonder if you saw where he went because I can't find him"
Umbrella lady apologized. As the dumb lady walked away I said to umbrella lady "Doesn't she know she just described half of everyone on this beach?" Dumbass

Part 2 with more pics tomorrow I gotta get ready for hell now.

OH Being Brazen is having a WONDERFUL giveaway on her blog. Check her out. Tell her I sent ya!


darsden said...

hummm well only one picture loaded and it was the last one... but I do know what south beach looks like and yes I am jealous!

I know they were beautiful even if I couldn't see them

Mango Girl said...

I could only see a few of the pictures as well...I am really interested in the waiter pic...

Please, don't leave us in suspense!

Mr. Condescending said...

eggs benedict, mmmmmm I want some sooo bad, why do you have to do this? I want to be in florida too :(

btw I gave you a well deserved honorable mention on my blog extravaganza today.

Anonymous said...

Aw, I only see little red x's! Bummer! But it sounds like you had a great and soggy time! hee hee

SkylersDad said...

I could see all of the pics, so maybe it fixed itself.

Unknown said...

Dar... yeah.. I did something screwy and messed em up.. but they are working now

Mango.. try again! They are fixed

Mr. C... sorry, it's what I do. You post was WONDERFUL thank you!

Quirks.. come back look again I fixed em!

Chris.. All it took was you coming and BOOM they straightened up and flew right! ;) Thanks.

darsden said...

Nice whip fosure...Nice looking waiter too bet ya'll just lingered there LOL The pictures are nice and I am jealous I didn't get to go to South Beach..But uhmmm wheres the beach? ;-)

Unknown said...

Yeah we stayed for quite a while. Made him pick up quarters hehhehehhe

About the beach I told ya.. tomorrow ;)

Mike said...

Why don't we all live there? And why is Darsden the first comment on every blog that I visit? HA!

darsden said...

Otin-isn't it apparent yet.. darsden has No Life!

uhmmm dizz where's the beach ... lol

ReformingGeek said...

I like that waiter!

Beach! Beach! Hopefully, there are more "waiters" at the beach!

And you can't drive a stick? Huh?


Skye said...

What do ya mean, you can't drive a stick? I thought the world revolved around those that drove stick!?! Heheee, jk.

Love the pics, the waiter makes for some nice eye candy as well ;)

Mike said...

Dizz, I love your blog also!!!!

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