Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My journey into the Darkside

It all began with my trip to South Florida. (Pics will HAVE tobe this weekend after you read this post, you will understand) <

You see, my SIL Twitters. I was riding shotgun while she was driving. She had many funny things she wanted to tweet. So I was her DT (Designated Twitter) Everyone should have one.

I did not have an account of my own and for those of you that have followed me for a while, now I was NOT going to conform. Even in my "About Me" I stated I will not Twitter or Facebook.

Despite many pleads from my SIL, I refused to get an account. That is, until I found out just how much fun it really is! When I got home, I created an account. I did not put my real name, my Dizzblnd name, a pic, nor did I link back to this blog. I did NOT want to let anyone know that I was weak and I caved in and went for the cookies (which are surprisingly good on the darkside)

I signed up as Sarcastibiotch, made up a fake name and used a different email address. Yes I was THAT sneaky. I just knew my SIL and other would be looking for me.

I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids! my nosy daughter me leaving the Twitter home page up on my computer on Sunday. "A-HA I knew wouldn't be able to resist for too much longer!" Up until then had been very careful not to slip or let her find out I had been secretly Tweeting.

She promised she wouldn't tell anyone. I figured what the hell the cat's outta the bag now. So I tweeted this "OK OK I give. I am conforming! I am dizzblnd from soggy-doggy-bloggy. I feel so dirty!" Then shortly after, "You know.. I never knew how good the cookies were on the dark side until I gave up and joined twitter. mmm cookies.. never will I wait again"

I called my SIL left a message on her voicemail saying, "OK I give up, I've conformed are you happy?" and hung up. She called me back lauging because she knew without looking what I was talking about.

So this, my faithful friends is why I can't seem to manage to post the South Beach pics and tell funny, embarrassing stories. Maybe this weekend, I will get around to it.

All I do now is tweet at work giving myself whiplash making sure no one catches me. Then when I come home, I tweet, play Call of Duty 4 and TRY to catch up on everybody's blogs. THIS is why I didn't want yet ANOTHER addition and why I REFUSE to Facebook. NO really. I won't. I don't want people that I couldn't stand in high school friending me just for their never ending popularity contest.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha ha HAAAAA!


AD said...


Slyde said...

and here, after reading the title to this post, i thought you were finally going to write about you becomming a pole dancer...

Unknown said...

QL.. I wrote that post just for you!!


Slyde...ahhhhhh I shall save THAT for another day.. I DO have pics!

ReformingGeek said...

Step AWAY from the TWITTER! You WILL get carpal tunnel. You WILL have to go to rehab.

So, did that convince you?

I didn't think so.

Enjoy but remember, it's a tool. You control it.

Michel said...

If I started twitting - I would never work. Blogging is becoming something I might have to seek professional help to overcome.

Unknown said...

LOL @ RG.. I am WAY beyond carpal tunnel Ive got full blown right hand clickitis.. i click my alarm clock in my sleep!

Michel I think there is a BA out there.. we just have to find it

Mike said...

I am on facebook and I signed up for twitter, and I just cannot get into that shit! I never visit them!

Mango Girl said...

I had a myspace; then a facebook, then another facebook for business. I tried the twitter thing ~ have more than a dozen followers and I only tweeted, TWICE! Several months ago.

I simply don't have the time.

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

I'm not sure I get the whole tweeting thing. . .

Maybe I'll follow you and you can enlighten me????

Unknown said...

Otin.. I didn't think I'd like twitter.. but I really enjoy it.. Who are you on there.. I'll follow you..maybe you'll feel pressured into tweeting.. LOL

Unknown said...

MAngogirl.. I know what you mean.. Technology ruins us! I hardly have any time to blog and I feel horrible!

Mom on a spin! Sure I can try.. lemme know who you are!

Trukindog said...

Twitter is just plain fun & I for one am happy to see you with us... Im on Facebook but Im a FB slacker, there's just to much crap on FB

SkylersDad said...

I just can't go there. It doesn't appeal to me at all.

blognut said...

I twitter occasionally. I used to do it constantly, but I made myself turn it off on my phone because I was wildly distracted by it all day long.

Unknown said...

Truckindog it has been fun with you and my SIL I am glad I was talked into it.

Chris, I didn't think I would be able to either. Now I can't freakin stop

Blognut.. I know right.. it's like something shiny isn't it

Cynthia said...

Twitter is a fun little addiction;)

Unknown said...

NW.. I am just glad it is not a drug!

prismdancer said...

Did you let Slyde know..you ALREADY pole dance?? LOL..he's a hottie him self!

Unknown said...

I LOVE Twitter! I am so glad you finally got on board. Now all I have to do is talk you into Facebook. Now THAT is addicting. It is a blast, I swear. Come on, what are you waiting for? I am not carrying you!

p-huong said...

I first heard about twitter from my cousin. I thought it was incredibly lame. A year later, a friend of mine (who had a xanga and we both gave it up for blogspot together) some how convinced me to give twitter a try. It certainly is addicting. I can't get through my morning commute with out it.

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