It's 6:30 on a SUNDAY morning. Oh wait.. I know.. it's the idiot 13 year old boy and his friend playing basketball in the road across the street. I let my dog out, before I knew they were out there and barked his head off at them probably waking up the rest of the neighborhood. This just confirms my daughter's theory that they are vampires
I opened my door and said "Really? 6:30 on a Sunday morning and you all are out here playing basketball!" Did they stop? Nooooooooooooooooooo They just gave me that stupid look that all males give when they're not sure if they've been insulted, yelled out, praised or if they're going to get laid.
Well I'm up now. They are just lucky I didn't go on a drinking binge last night or they'd be wearing that basketball in a hole where it won't quite fit.
Maybe I'll go sit on the front porch and watch them play.. that ought to creep em out!
Can you ring the doorbell and ask the boy's parents to have him knock it off? Or steal their basketball?
Recent blog post: I Never Spanked My Children
Good idea! However his parents, "Uncle Dad" and "Grandma Mom" kinda creep me out a tad. There is a screwdriver in the pole that is used to adjust the height, maybe I'll steal that
Recent blog post: What the hell am I doing out of bed?
Um... All I can say to this is you are far nicer than I would be.
Recent blog post: Good Grief
I can not imagine anything that you could do to make them stop.
Just stay away from the juvenile delinquents before they egg your house. Kids have way more time than you do. They use it to vandalize and catch STDs
You have my sympathy. I have an ass on the corner that is finally moving away to college!! I hope he does not party out his first semester!!
Recent blog post: A ROAST!!! And you are all invited!!
Yeah.. I wasn't awake yet
Recent blog post: What the hell am I doing out of bed?
The boy that lives there is generally a good kid, but at they age, they are just so selfish.
And the 21 year old kid that lives next door to him parties CONSTANTLY so I hope it doesn't happen to you
Recent blog post: What the hell am I doing out of bed?
yeah... I'd go off on him.. he knows better!
Recent blog post: What the hell am I doing out of bed?
Ask for the ball, tell them you want to try a long shot. Puncture ball with large kitchen knife. Walk back inside, problem solved.
Well at first I was going to suggest that you start cheering them, like a cheerleader?
But after reading your comments...probably wouldn't be worth getting egged or worse!
Sorry you were so rudely awakened. If it makes you feel any better, I'm rudely awakened every morning by my five year old. "Mom, can I play your DS?" or "Mom can I watch Tom and Cherry (should be Jerry)?"
Recent blog post: Oprah Wisdumb
Where were you at 6:30 this morning giving this advice... oh yeah.. sleeping.. lucky bastard ;P
Recent blog post: What the hell am I doing out of bed?
That does give me wee little comfort Quirkster.. thank oyu
Recent blog post: What the hell am I doing out of bed?
You should impale one of their heads on a spike in your front yard to serve as a warning to the others.
Recent blog post: 5 Photo Captions - Dalai Lama
Thanks for the idea Douglas! It just might work!
Recent blog post: What the hell am I doing out of bed?
Sit out there with a water pistol and when the cops come, say you were watering your lawn and trying to conserve water.
Recent blog post: When The Recession Ends I'm Going To Buy This
LMAO! Good one.. Only he'd still throw the cuffs on me because he knows it's been raining here for a month straight. Maybe I could throw a donut in one direction and run in the other
Recent blog post: What the hell am I doing out of bed?
If you can't beat them, join them.
Ha! Sorry you were up so early.
Recent blog post: Cooking up Bloggers Shawn and Meg!
Sure wish I could beat them though.. too bad it's against the law
Recent blog post: What the hell am I doing out of bed?
LOL @ sitting on the front porch and watching them. Maybe throw out some inappropriate lascivious comments every now and then. Not too obvious, but just ambiguous enough to cause some discomfort.
Recent blog post: Mythical Creatures
Right on!!! I am taking all of these suggestions down and will use them all!
Recent blog post: What the hell am I doing out of bed?
He made me think violent thoughts this morning.
I kept playing different scenarios in my head.
- Go out there with a gun a shoot the basketball.
- Go out there with Transformer robot and have it step on the basketball hoop.
- Shine sunlight on the kids.
Recent blog post: My first debit card.
I am thinking paint gun...READY? AIM! FIRE!!!!
Recent blog post: Good morning to you, too!
Adding that one to my list now!!
Recent blog post: What the hell am I doing out of bed?
HA! also good ideas
Recent blog post: What the hell am I doing out of bed?
Aarrrgh, I hate it when that happens. I would have loved to been on the front porch with you, sounds like fun to me!
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LOL I went out later of in the afternoon to watch them play AND try to skateboard WHILE playing .. hilarious. They didn't get creeped out though.. dammit
Recent blog post: I've started another blog
Can I steal that? That's great!
Recent blog post: I've started another blog
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