Friday, June 19, 2009

The male brain explained

Yesterday, I explained how my brain works. Today, I thought I'd explain the male brain.

We all know the male thinks about the same things 24/7 365 (or 366) days a year. Sex, Sports, Beer, Cars, Planes, etc. This is because they all share one universal brain. The Universal Brain (referred to as UB) is filled with other knowledge like important dates, nice things to say to women and how to act like a human being instead of a Neanderthal.

Now because of the UB all the men in the world have to take turns using it. If you man only talks about the "same things" mentioned above, then you know it is not his turn to use UB.

When he starts using the "other knowledge" then you know it is his turn to use it.

What they don't know is that the women have the schedule, so we know when it is his turn to use it. That's fitting isn't it, we take care of everything else, we might as well have the UB schedule as well. So even if it is not his scheduled time, he won't know it and we get to make him use it. He's not smart enough to check the schedule, so we get to use it to our advantage.

Beware though, on the days he is scheduled, he might actually use it to write down his next scheduled time. Fear not though, we can always tell him the schedule changed. He won't think anything of it, because it is not actually his scheduled time, he will have "other things" on his mind.

There you go! No more research necessary


blognut said...

Thank you for explaining this.

DouglasDyer said...

I don't use the universal brain. I've been thinking with my dick since junior high. So far so good.

quirkyloon said...

Ugh. You know when you know something is true, but you don't like to admit it? Well this is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.


But true. You pegged it GF!

ReformingGeek said...

Yikes! What if the UB has cooties?

Recent blog:=- It's Not a Roast, but it is a CROC!

AD said...


NBC chime:

"The mooore youuu knowww!"

Recent blog:=- TWB: Up Close & Personal: Spending the night in a haunted house.

dizz said...

LOL! I was afraid of that

Recent blog:=- Slapdash Spectulation Saturday

dizz said...

At least I am good for something!

Recent blog:=- Slapdash Spectulation Saturday

dizz said...

LMAO.. That is evident my friend.

Recent blog:=- Slapdash Spectulation Saturday

dizz said...

Some tequila should help with that bad taste.. well maybe not, but you will forget you have it.

Recent blog:=- Slapdash Spectulation Saturday

dizz said...

Ugh.. I didn't think about that

Recent blog:=- Slapdash Spectulation Saturday

dizz said...

great! Now I can't get that sound outta my head. Thanks a lot!

Recent blog:=- Slapdash Spectulation Saturday

Shelly said...

UB....I'm am going to use this one twitter, just to let you know. That's great!

Chaotically Calm said...

LMAO it all make sense I think I will wait to speak to my guy tomorrow it's his turn to use the other knowledge.

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