Diane at More Mindless Rambling bribed me with promises of chocolate, tequila and Vicodin to write about six unimportant things that make me happy. Go check her out, she is hilarious and you won't be disappointed. NO I am not sharing my chocolate, drugs or alcohol with you if you do. Just GO!
1. Having the upper hand over people who call my workplace and act like idiots thinking they know more about my job than I do only to crush their spirits by telling them like it is and having my supervisor and HER supervisor and finally her supervisor telling her exactly the same thing I told them an hour prior. (Ugh sorry about the run on sentence) "Told you so"
2. ALWAYS winning battles with my 17 year old son.. it really pisses him off when he realizes he just CAN'T win. (WOW I am a bit of a control freak huh?)
3. Coming home at the end of the day and having 3 of the four pets happy to see me and then my cat curling up on me and purring. (the fourth pet is a demon kitten from hell who doesn't give a shit about anybody but herself and my daughter)
4. Being silly and stupid in public with my family and not giving a damn what other people think.
5. Knowing that in (checking my "Weeds" counter) 3 days 15 hours minutes 17 minutes 14 seconds and counting, one of my favorite shows will be back on the air.
6. I am addicted to my computer.
Now I am supposed to tag 6 others, but I am not going to do that because you will expect me to share aforementioned goodies
If you have nothing to blog about, now you have free shit to post. Just let me know, 'cause I wanna read it!
I adore having the upper hand.
And one of my favorite things is skipping across parking lots while I hold my kids' hands. I love when people look at me like I'm an idiot, but really...I'm just making my kids smile.
Recent blog post: Things I Want Thursday-Sassified...***Repost, Edited, Whatever***
ALWAYS enjoy your kids.. they grow up too damn quick.
Your comment made me smile
Recent blog post: It's the little things that kill.. er I mean make me happy
I need to take lessons from you!
Recent blog post: Get Some Caffeine, it's a MEME!
Amen sistah! And I'm so with you on numbers 4 and 6!
Acting silly and not caring about what others think? Amen!
Addicted to computer? Amen and Amen!
Recent blog post: Quirkyloon: She Was A Good Ole' Gal
Too funny! And that whole 'being silly with your family in public and not caring what people think' thing... I totally do that!
Recent blog post: What? A Whole Week Without Blogging?
Mmmmm, Vicodin! Um, I'm sorry, what were we talking about? ;^)
I love the look on those guys' faces when they think they're about to have sex with an underage girl but Chris Hansen walks out with a camera crew. BUSTED!!
Recent blog post: Top 5 Surprises in NBC's White House Tour
Hey, JB is not a demon kitty. Give her some time, she'll come around. :)
Recent blog post: I think my neighbors are vampires.
Not the bad grammar lessons I hope.
Recent blog post: It's the little things that kill.. er I mean make me happy
That's right.. cuz life is too damn short!
Recent blog post: It's the little things that kill.. er I mean make me happy
Oh good! Then you won't be shy about learning your new launguage in Meheco
Recent blog post: It's the little things that kill.. er I mean make me happy
I forgot
Recent blog post: It's the little things that kill.. er I mean make me happy
i forgot
Recent blog post: It's the little things that kill.. er I mean make me happy
I know it it's sooooooooo funny jerks!
Recent blog post: It's the little things that kill.. er I mean make me happy
is so too!
Recent blog post: It's the little things that kill.. er I mean make me happy
i do # 4 ALL the damn time... pisses my family off to no end and embarasses them greatly.. i love it!
OH GOOD! I am glad you replied! I was beginning to wonder if you got the damn H1N1
It is al lot of fun to embarrass them!
Recent blog post: It's the little things that kill.. er I mean make me happy
I am a bit of a control freak myself, we would probably fight! LOL!
I would win! I am woman.. I always win
Recent blog post: It's the little things that kill.. er I mean make me happy
At my old job, I never got that simple satisfaction of having the upper hand with customers. Even if I was following direct orders from my bosses (which conflicted with a customer's wishes), they would come and undermine me if the customer complained. Time and time again. Wow, I don't miss that job at all.
Recent blog post: Mythical Creatures
Well that sucks! Lucky for me, my job follows state law. All we have to do is quote Florida Statute 556.105 and tell them to call an attorney
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