Last Friday was garbage/recycle day. No one remembered. So first thing Friday morning, I had to take the garbage out becuae the teens had already left for school.
Last night, wen I came home from work, The Boy was outside with his dad and his buddies. I said "Please take the garbage down before you forget>" I get the rolling eyes, they "why did you just ask me to cut of my head" look, and the "OMG you drive me crazy with your never-ending mom nagging" sigh "I won't forget" He proceeds to sit down. I asked him "What are you doing now?" "MOM, I'm not going to forget!", he spews. Hubby tells him, don't forget the can by the shop. "Yes sir" At 9:30 last night, do you think the garbage has been taken down? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I came in the house stupidly expecting something different from my " 'I'm 18 I'm an adult' daughter" It is her job to take out the recycling... Heavy sigh "I will" again... as of 9:30, the recycling is still not down.. I have not said another word to either one. At 10:30 The Boy sat down to play a video game. Still.. I said nothing and went to bed
So this morning, at 6am, on a day they don't have school, it's 30 something degrees outside and here I am taking
great pleasure in waking them up so they can do what I asked them to do last night. (You didn't REALLY think I was going to do it 2 weeks in a row did you?) BWAH HA HA HA HA Give me attitude and "I won't forget" and "I will" again. Let me remind you this is the same boy who can't remember things within a 30 minute time frame. This is the same girl who I wrote so eloquently about.
Do you think I was just making an innocent weather observation when I was telling you both just how cold it would be this morning? You did? You should know me better than that by now... but since you can't follow directions, or take a hint....
maybe next time you'll do it WHEN I ask won't you?
**When I wrote this last night.. I just KNEW they wouldn't do it. The Boy surprised me though and about midnight, he took out the garbage(dammit ruined most of my fun) ... the girl... did not.. so I still got to follow through with 1/2 of my wicked, evil, nasty plan... she didn't even bitch about it.. amazing
Hehe, evil Mom. I'm totally going to be that parent in the future
Ah, we have totally woken our kids up in the middle of the night to do forgotten chores. Guess what? They still forgot again next time. :/
I would have totally done the same thing.
Go Patti!!
You have the mothering down to a T! Good job on waking her up.. then they'll know your serious. My husband would tell me stories on how his dad use to wake him up and wear a sign and everything!
I think they should make those dog training shock collars for kids. You could just hit the button in the morning and not even need to get out of bed! :^)
keely.. you got a great head start now!!
Keep it up!
Em: LMAO!! Let me bask in my moment of glory huh? I know it won't last :)
Kim: We must rise up or NEVER get any respect huh?
Shaurna.. it worked didn't it.. he's a good man now.. GO FIL!
WYD.. there again.. thats that fine line between discipline and child abuse.. I like the way you think though!
Dang! I thought I'd have been luck when Kate grew up, because I still haven't been able to suceed with the husband ...
Good for you!!!! You're my hero.
I do this with my kids all the time. And I take great pleasure when they have to do the job in the middle of the night or the bitter cold.
Right now I am waiting for my brother to remove his scaffolding from my garage. I called him on it last week. He said he would get right on it. I bet my aunt it wouldn't happen until its warm out (june) she bet it would be by the Ides of March. There is a meal riding on this one. Oh and he is 46.
With two teenage sons and two teenage step-daughters, there are many, many opportunities that present for us to torture. Isn't that part of the fun of being a parent?
lyndsay.. the husbands are too set in their ways.. but the kids.. you can whip .. uh beat... uh train with methods such as these. lol
Thank you Mary.. I LOVE it
AD- You only think I'm evil because you probably have a mom just like me and it's scary for you think that all of us have the same evil minds
Jen It's great fun! They will appreciate it....someday
Beth.. WOW I bow to you.. do you have a padded cell yet?
Thanks for stopping by and following me ;)
That's because you ARE my mother.
That's right folks, we're related.
When she admits it anyway
Whoa, it's totally different around here. Everybody but me is getting a total blog makeover this week. What the heck????
Oh, and I guess you'll just have to beat your children more. A good beating is always good for the kids.
OMG! You mean I could of been talking Patti into getting you that cat all along!..LOL
Yeah, SheBloggs.
But it was fun to secretly not "know" each other.
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