Yesterday at work, I grabbed both of my cheeks (face cheeks, not ass cheeks perverts!) and while loose lipped, I shook them.. You know you want to try.. go ahead its fun! Finished? OK. My team leader who sits in the cubicle next to mine looks at me and give me the WTF is wrong with you look. I said, "It's great stress relief, you should try it."
Instead, she told me about face yoga and proceeded to demonstrate. Now, picture a slender woman in her mid 20's with long, wavy, red hair doing this

..all while crossing her eyes. She explained how difficult is is to make those faces without crossing ones eyes. You know, she's right! Because I am easily amused I laughed my ass off for 10 minutes while she made those faces AND combined them with chair crunches, chair twists and more. She did this while I was on the phone with customers too. I laughed so much I gave myself a headache.
On to another topic, I am awarding fellow blogger Ann's Rants an award I created myself. Her posts are very funny and she has such a creative mind, it boggles my little mind (remember how easily amused I am?)
Don't believe how creative she is? just take a look at this post or this one now without further ado (and before her head gets TOO big).. I award you

BTW due to the economy.. I may not be able to blog from home after today for a while.(unless I can bribe honey to let me use his laptop with the aircard) I'll try to check in on my breaks and at lunch while at work, so if I don't comment and post daily like I normally do, you'll know why.)
Are you kidding me Patti? Your funny AND techo-savvy enough to make your own badge???? Thank you so much, Dizz! I am really honored. You are such a supportive bloggy buddy, and look at your kick-ass new blog. Wayyyyy easier on the eyes than mine.
I'm pretty sure I do facial yoga many times a day at my kids, but smiling is not involved. Are those photos of you? Way tooo cute to be funny.
Thanks again, friend!
You're welcome! It is the first thing I ever created online. You deserve it!
These pics are not of me I stole er I mean.. borrowed them from the WWW
Ok, if someone walks in on me right now....doing these faces....they'll send me straight to the funny farm!
Off to read Ann now. ;)
lol RLL.. especially if you're alone
My face could use some new material to work with.
Ok. Why did I get flabb for a word verification??
Your new blog styling looks great!
oh man that is hilarious. At my old job we had this chic come in once a week and do office yoga with us, EVERYONE had to participate, it was horrible
Suhhhhh-weeeeet! You know the 10 minutes you laughed your ass off is sooooooo counting as your cardio for the day!
If your job is a receptionist, even better!
LMAO Goddess I'm sure it was pure coincidink! I am glad you like my new doghouse!
Chele: They would MAKE you yoga? I would make sure I ate a lot of beans the night before so they'd rethink that mandatory crap!
SH: Thank you for that reminder.. I always forget what a great workout a belly laugh can be
Tig: Close.. I'm a CSR
Dizz... thanks for all the support lately! Your new blog is looking and great I think the face yoga will help me in these trying times
Wait a second, I am shaking my cheeks......
there!!! That felt good.
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey what are blogging buds for? I'm more than happy to give you moral support if nothing else :) Just make sure co-workers now you are doing face yoga so they don't think you are gassy lol
lol VM... great fun too!
Hmmm my face already looks like I suffer from facial spasms. And being cross-eyed is an added perk!
Face Yoga? Is that what you call that. When I do it no one can tell. They just scream and run like hell!
lol bee.. I'll bet you get weird looks all the time!
Etta That is hilarious!
ha ha. I'm going for a run on the beach. The first person who says, "good morning" is getting face yoga as a reply.
Oh yes I will do it. Watch me. I might just videotape it.
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