Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sorry to see you go.....

Yesterday at work my friend was telling me about her budget. Her and her husband sat down together and they figured out where a lot of their money was going. Food, mortgage, utilities.. you know, the usual. Then they started to realize that they were spending about the same money as they always have in all categories. So where was their money going... AH! "The Boy" (not mine.. theirs). $60 for a theme park, $140 for meds, $20 for movies.. you know.. typical 15 year old jobless child.

After much discussion and long hours of debate, they came to a decision.
They sat down with him and broke the news.

"Son, we have discovered that you are sucking us dry. Understand we do love you, but due to budget cuts, we're going to have to let you go"

That's right! They "laid off" their only offspring.


Why didn't I think about doing that myself? I could have saved myself thousands.

If any of you still have jobless money sucking minions hanging around, I would suggest you do the same.


WeaselMomma said...

I love this! I should really implement it.

Jen said...

My son is the only one in the house with a job right now. That doesn't mean he is contributing or that I am no longer paying for his stuff but he does have a job and if he closes we get nasty pizza for free.

Ash said...

The problem is mine are 3 and 7 - damn child labor laws.

Don't think this won't come into play when they hit their teen years though.


Mr. Condescending said...

Omygod you are brilliant! Shit should be like "little house on the prarie!"

Beth said...

My boy is getting the pink slip as soon as he gets home. From eating out with his friends. With my money.


Kim said...

I frequently try to find my kids jobs - but at the ages of 6, 10 and 12, it's kind of difficult!

The Queen said...

omg that is funny..

Mango Girl said...

Fabulous idea!!! I hope more parents follow suit :)

Mike said...

We all sit and anxiously await reaction From "The Water Bottle!" haha!

darsden said...

too funny

ReformingGeek said...

Love it! But an EBAY auction of boy-child might have brought them some quick cash!

p-huong said...

I wish my mom had come to that same conclusion with my 19yo (again, 19!) jobless money sucking brother.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I've already been hinting to my 12 year old that it's .... TIME.

Go take your guitar to a street corner for all I care, just stop asking ME for money!

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