..is just plain gross if you ask me. Especially when the person is "doing the deed" during the conversation. I work with people who do their personal business call (Dr's appts..etc while sitting on the toilet peeing or whatever) Unless it's the hotline calling to tell you that the organ you're waiting for is available, I believe that a phone call can wait until you've finished doing your business.
I have actually answered someone whom I thought was talking to me from the next stall. She says, in a holier than thou bitchy voice, "I wasn't talking to you" . I said "I'm sorry I am the only other one in here, I didn't realize you were doing your business while doing your business"
If I remember correctly, isn't the bathroom a private place? People just don't realize (or don't care) that other people in the bathroom might have shy bladder or bowels and for them to be talking on the phone makes this worse. What if you are constipated and grunt and groan hoping to go, or worse yet, just came back from a Mexican restaurant Not to mention the germ factor is a major ewwwwwwwww
Who knows what kind of germs are on the phone that you bring with you and touch everyday just because you bring it to the toilet? What if you drop it in the toilet? Or worse yet a porta potty.
Really... it can wait.
please vote for me

that is gross and weird.
I have to admit to continuing a phone conversation in the bathroom (only #1!). Not in public, though, only at home!
hahaha that is hilarious. Just yesterday this dude was having a full meeting while taking a smash in the gym toilet. It was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life. He must have been in there for at least 15 minutes talking and smashing.
Amen! Leave the phone outside folks or I will make puking or pooping noisew while you're talking on your phone in the next stall.
Hey I totally agree...as of yesterday...Rest asure.. Walmartians...will be on their cell phone in Missisissippi, sharing a totally crappy story and stinky one!
how come this section changes I can't get them to go through...so now I am only adding I agree...should have seen what I wrote the first time
I hate people who come into the public restroom and are just loud for no reason. They belly up to the urinal and start making all these...sounds...I don't get it. Really loud throat clearing. "Ohhhhh!" Burp. WTF, dude, shut up.
You should go to the men's room. All social rules are suspended while you're in there. It's considered perfectly normal for two men to stand side-by-side, penises in hand, and farting while talking about the kids. Worse still are the ones who will actually grunt while they're talking on the phone.
Ha ha!
I think you should have had a "conversation" with yourself. Hey if she can have one, why can't you?
(in a very loud voice so "her" phone buddy can hear too-bwahaha)
Dizzie, "Dang it stinks in here. Somebody must have diarrhea? Oh, my tampon is soaked!"
Then start making raspberries to simulate farting noises.
That'll learn her!
I always handle those public talkers in lines and sitting on toilets by answering all their questions. Then when they tell me they are on the phone, I look at it like I just stepped out of a time machine from the 1800's.
yep.. but it is my life every day at work sigh
i agree.. at home its different, and only with a friend or family member
Taking a smash! I love it. But yep thats disgusting
ooooooooooh good idea! I just might try that. Thanks!
I thought.. as men.. the noises were a requirement?? No? .. huh
LOL!!! I just might do that next time!!
Hilarious! Yet another great tip.. you guys are awesome!
That is a look I can easily manage.. that look is on my face 24/7
I agree with the noise thing. I would have grunted loud enough to cause hemorrhoids! As far as germs, oh you have no idea. Even if they wash their hands they then pick up the phone they were holding as they wiped their nasty ol' ass. Puh leez
I'll pee while talking on the phone at home, but I wouldn't dream of bringing my phone into a public restroom!
Hey, I see you have this JS-Kit/Comment Luv thing too. For some reason, mine isn't showing up though on CommentLuv, plus two places for URL. Just thought I'd let you know.
Second, as for your post itself, totally agree. It's like WTF, folks? It's bad enough you talk in a restaurant or while you're in line at the checkout, but in the bathroom...you've really gone too far.
I know it.. as soon as the poopie plops.. fecal matter goes everywhere! BLECH! People have no sense!
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I agree.. at home is a little different. I will only "bring" friends and family members in with me to pee.. but anything else.. nope
Recent blog post: The site http://soggy-doggy-bloggy... does not match member ID8218
Yeah.. I seant commentluv an email on the issue. I am waiting for them to get back to me. I swear I did everything right, hell I even watched the 10 minute video. Thanks for letting me know though ;)
The rudeness of taling in checkout line WHILE you are "interacting" with the cashier bugs the batshit out of me. It's respect and I just want to slap the shit outta people when they do it.
Recent blog post: The site http://soggy-doggy-bloggy... does not match member ID8218
Everything about the bathroom creeps me out. I like pretending that people really don't even need to do their business. Funny stuff in your blog!
And I voted for you!
Recent blog post: The site http://soggy-doggy-bloggy... does not match member ID8218
Well, it's just plain out gross.. but then.. so is stealing someone's user name on here ... so I'm assuming they are all related.. bathroom phone talkers and user id thiefs.. makes me wanna yell URA IDIOT.. at them all.. get it URA. ha ha
You BET I will!!!
Okay, that was me up there. You bet I will!!!
Wow! Great post! Yeah, I know what you mean. I love that "I didn't realize you were doing your business while doing your business" line. Haha. Will share this with friends.
Thanks Beth! On TV.. NO one uses the bathroom. You ever notice that?
I am glad you enjoyed it.
who stole your name?? I'll help ya track em down ;)
I get it.. even at 5:42 AM LOL
Thanks VM!
Yeah.. sometimes I come up with some good ones.. I'm glad you like it.. I am off to check you out ')
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