The rules are very easy so if you are still confused after all of this time or if this is your first time here please read:
Here are the rules: On Sundays I will gather from you, my hopefully loyal stalkers and lost bloggers what I need to complete the Mad Lib. I won't tell you the title of the Mad Lib. It will simply say Reader Participation Sunday. I will ask my commenters for the required verbs, nouns, adjectives.. whatever. EVERYONE will give me EACH word I ask for when they comment or else! (for example, if I ask for 14 words, EACH of you give me EACH of the 14 words I ask.) Then I will post the whole story with the title on Monday morning with links of the words to the respective blogger. Like this one
If you don't get a chance to play today, don't worry, I will do it every Sunday and Monday until you tell me you are ready to gouge your eyes out. So stay tuned.
Simple enough? Good.
For those that may have flunked English or forgotten everything you have learned.. Here is a refresher:
Noun: Person, place or thing
Plural noun: More than 1 person place or thing, usually ending in s or es
Verb: An action word (etc run, jump, play)
Verb ending in "ing": see above, just add ing (duh)
Adjective: word that describes something (etc.. beautiful, quick, blue)
Adverb: Word that ends in "ly" it describes a verb (etc, quickly, quietly, hurriedly)
That's the basic English terms. If you've ever done Mad Libs, you know they ask for other things too. OK Got it? Here we go:
1. Adjective
2. Name of Person
3. Noun
4. Plural Noun
5. Noun
6. Noun
7. Another Name of Person
8. Number
9. Plural Noun
10. Noun
11. Plural Noun
Have fun! Try to keep it PG-R
PS Next week I would like to use one of YOUR posts for my mad lib. If you would like to volunteer one of your posts.. new or old let me know and which one you want me to use; my email address is in my profile.
1 - fuzzy
2 - Gertrude
3 - ox bottom
4 - sofas
5 - remote control
6 - door knob
7 - Bob
8 - forty four
9 - sodas
10 - light switch
11 - baggies
1. Hairy
2. Parker
3. dog
4. flashlights
5. golf ball
6. trashcan
7. Jennifer
8. 72
9. coffee makers
10. sand trap
11. tie fighters
1. butchy
2. Dave
3. sofa
4. dumb stubborn mules
5. tree
6. cow
7. Larry
8. four
9. courses
10. plant
11. vegetables
1. dizzy
2. Billy Bob
3. trailer
4. mullets
5. boat
6. beer
7. Betty Lou
8. seven
9. raccoons
10. bed
11. flags
yay! these are fun..
1. homicidal
2. kevin bacon
3. mt rushmore
4. soap bubbles
5. room service attendent
6. gutter
7. victoria stilwell
8. seventeen and two thirds
9. cinnamon jelly beans
10. parking garage
11. tea leaves
1. ragged
2. Travis
3. house
4. taverns
5. beer
6. rum
7. bartender
8. eleventy-seven
9. bottles
10. vomit
11. handcuffs
1. snarky
2. Hunter
3. India
4. testicles
5. Seth Rogen
6. Frosty
7. Drew
8. 73
9. oranges
10. potato sack
11. sucks
1. Muscular
2. Jessica Simpson
3. Popsicle
4. bowls
5. cherries
6. washing machine
7. George Clooney
8. 6
9. Bucket
10. Trees
1. Adjective- Fugly
2. Name of Person - Bob
3. Noun - dune buggy
4. Plural Noun - aortas
5. Noun - hot dog
6. Noun - super glue
7. Another Name of Person - Harry
8. Number - 1,000,000,000
9. Plural Noun - farts
10. Noun - cow
11. Plural Noun - buttons
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