Dizzblnds 'puter is back,
And Dt's are gone
Turns out, I blew another hard drive and I didn't even get paid!
My husband claims its karma because I am on it more than I am on him. (Puppies and Rainbows Tiff)
Maybe if he got this tattoo
on his penis, I might be more inclined.
KIDDING only a little
That's not too much to ask is it?
Well it might be too much for him, I don't know if the tattoo artist will be able to cover up this tattoo
that he got a few years ago in hopes that I could blow that just as well as a real one.
I blew it like I blew my hard drive.
Anyhow, I am back now. I will try to visit you all as much as I can on a regular basis again.
Happy St Patty's Day!
Wow! It sure must be windy there with all that blowing.
Glad you're back in business!
Why am I so jealous of your husband all the sudden?
Hot Damn I love this post!!
remember men sometimes we love our gadgets just as much as you do...
Jo: Thanks. I am glad to \have it back and to be back
RG: I don't even live in Chicago lol
Chris: Cause you are perverted that way ;)
Sue: That's right guys and we have MANY you know NOTHING about
-evil grin-
LOL! Awesome. So the $100 tatt doesn't work, huh? Well, thanks for saving me the pain.
is it wrong that all this talk of blowing got me alittle hot?
Shawn: You're welcome. Consider it my personal public service announcent to you
Slyde: For a guy, not wrong at all. Good thing you're not a geek.. or it would just be creepy!
Welcome baaaaacccckkkk !!!!
Wrappin a real $100 bill around your nads works but that can get real expensive plus ya gotta watch out for paper cuts...wait what was the topic here...oh yeah welcome back!
Dani: Thank you It is wonderful to be back
Truckin: Be careful paper cuts are nasty.. especially there
Welcome back :) I love the conversations you and your husband have!
Even though you tried to distract me, it didn't help.
Thank you once again for scarring my mind with gross. . . parents doing stuff. . . things.
I think a tattoo of a candle may work. I did miss you.
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