The Hussy, with her Friday Facts has inspired and even given me permission to do my own Friday series. Thanks Hussy!
If you're eating, you may want to come back later
Some of the grossest World Eating Records: 100 live maggots in 5 min, 29 sec.
144 snails in 11 min, 30 sec.
12 slugs in 12 min.
60 earthworms in 3 min, 6 sec. Yeah.... I just threw up a little
Buzz Aldrin was the first man to defecate on the moon.
Why did we need to know this?
That's what I REALLY wanted to be when I grew up good thing I got smrt
Shmeat.. enough said
Enough NOT said??.. fine.. Go to Crotchety Old Man Yells at Cars to read more
Great. I have about 3.5 years before I need to buy new pillows!
Omg remind me to buy a new pillow today....gross
I'm feeling something slimy moving thru my insides......
Poor Buzz. What a way to go down in history.
Did he actually defecate ON the moon? Like right on the surface? What the hell's wrong with him?
I hope Buzz picked it up in a little doggy bag like we all do at the walkies park!
Some people just have way too much time on their hands.
I've never seen butt flaps in those space suits.
Think about it ;)
*sigh* But I wanted to be the first to crap on the moon! There goes another childhood dream.
Gross me out! Yuck..lol
That is not a lot of maggots, and they are pretty small.
May be a record in my future.
JO: I Have another 4 years
Hey Dani.. go buy a new pillow
RG: Yeah.. at 5:30AM not pleasant to write about .. but I do it for you all.. you're welcome!
Shawn.. I dunno.. maybe the suits have a poop chute and it's now space shit
Shaurna: You can't say I didn't warn ya ;)
Mike: Maybe it's a poop chute
QL: ~~~looks around~~~ WHO ME??
Chris. ewww I hope so too.
Sass: Don't worry.. you can still be the first to have sex on the moon
Joe... ONE maggot is too many maybe that's what shmeat is REALLY made from
Yeow! I keep thinking about the initial crunch, the goosh that follows and the guts that would end up between my teeth.
YUCK! I'm going out and buying new pillows today!
me-me That's just too gross.. If I had to eat maggots in order to survive, I think I would just starve
Tfy: Buy 1 for me too
If that grosses you out watch the Discovery channel about all the nasty critters that are walking all over you as we speak. Shudder!
Etta: UGH I know it.. give me willies just thinking about it.. off to scrub my skin raw now
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