The Hussy, with her Friday Facts has inspired me to do my own Friday series.
All processed food contains an "acceptable" amount of rat feces. Ummmmmmm yeah. Unless that amount is zero, it is SO not acceptable.
House flies crap once every 4 and a half minutes Ugh! I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing that.
Women fart 3 times more than men. My husband can testify to that fact, I'm a gas bag.
On a daily average, you will inhale approx 1 liter of someone elses anal gasses. Sorry bout that honey.
Over your lifetime you will have produced enough spit to fill a swimming pool. I would hate to swim at the guys house that discovered this.
The Romans used crushed brains as toothpaste. I wonder if it was the brains of smart people or dumb people.
If you eat take out on a regular basis you swallow at least 12 pubic hairs a year. OMG I just had BK last night, I hope that wasn't in my burger.. I really ought to quit that crap
I am really grossed out now. So I will stop. But I might do this every Friday. After yesterdays cricket chirping induced post, I am hoping to redeem myself. I should be getting my puter back tonight. I will be able to catch up on everybody.
Yay, it's working now!
As much as I eat out, I think I probably double or triple that pubic hair intake. GROSS! I'm not sure which is worse - pubes or rat feces. Though I have been cutting back quite a bit on any processed foods!
Ick. Yuck. Ptooey. Thanks for the info...I think.
My "favorite fact" along those lines is that after 5 years, over 1/2 of the weight of your pillow is dust mites.
I decided about two years ago that the risk of pubes was no longer worth the eating of craptacular fast food, so I gave it up. Do I miss fries? Of course I do. Do I miss feces in my burger? Not so much.
Where the hell did you find this precious info?
OMG, just who is dragging whom to the dark side? You are one sick puppy...
Did you know, 9 out of 10 dentists recommend crushed brains dentifrice's?
Oh, wait, no fluoride...
I meant fluoride.
So easy to get the two confused.
Grooooooooose! That puts a new meaning to the "pool of spit"
And the pubs! Thats nuts!
Jo: I'm glad you let me know what a dumbass I am :) I think both are just as bad blech
Mary: Anytime I can help.. lemme know
Chris: Thanks! I will use that in next weeks edition. Giving you props of course
Sass: You crack me up craptaculer food. I didn't learn anthing.. I went to Subway for lunch I checked though.. no pubes
Scandy: Some I have always know (why aren't they in my recycle bin?) Some are stuff I found all over the internet
Judy: I'm not sure.. I think it is an equal mix. Thank you for the compliment ;)
Jenn: I know that now.. that was just too gross
Shaurna. I am glad I can help gross you out
Nice of you to edify me, I think. Thanks, I think. Oh, please pass me a anal-gassed, feces-laiden apple, would ya?
HA HA HA I just bet that you end up with a few pubic hairs when you "eat out"...
Since you asked for permission for this post series..I will let you ONLY if I get 50% of the royalties.
As you can imagine..I already new these facts, LOL! My scientific brain doesn't get grosses out by it. In fact every time you smell someones are actually inhaling tiny particles of their poop. YUMMY!
Noname: You are so very welcome. Sorry fresh out of apples
Sue: That was great! I read it 3 times and didn't get what you were saying until just now. Yeah Yeah.. so I am a little slow
Jamie: You got it! 50-50. Somehow, I don't doubt that you already knew these.. hopefully, I will be able to tell you something you didn't already know in futers Fridays
Okay, I'm going to speak since you demanded it. :) So...No. 1: you've got issues, don't you? No. 2: Burger King: You should worry about the other things that are there, ;)
Ewww. Ewww. Ewww.
I would have been perfectly happy not knowing any of these "facts" on Friday (or any other day.)
Rambler: Thank you for stopping by. :) to answer your questions..
1. Don't we all
2. Calories don't count unless unless your counting them.. which I should be, but don't
Mincognita: I can't keep all of the knowledge to myself.. I just can't!
I was doing fine until the whole pube thing. Thanks.
THAT! is a lot of gas. The hubs and I don't pass gas in each others presence. Some people think that's weird but at least he will not inhale my gas. Just his work partners ewww
Jen: Yeah that grossed me out, but somehow didn't stop me from going to Burger King and Subway
Bee: I fart all the damn time. My poor family.
Dude!! That was insane gross stuff!! I'm not sure I can ever read stuff like that again. I feel sick!! The pubic hairs deal? I have a total thing against pubic hairs - especially in food!! Who doesn't right?
And the swimming pool full of spit?
I'm not sure I'm gonna recover from this....
Happy Monday!
Lee Nice to see you! I hope you had a great Moanday. I'll be doing that every Friday.. as long as I can stomach it
Thanks for answering the questions, although No. 2 technically wasn't a question, but I guess it's okay that you responded. I mean, it's your blog, if you want to call it a question, so be it. Oh, by the way, on your response to No. 2, you're wrong. ;)
LOL Bryan.. I thought you were going to say "I mean it's your blog, if you want to call it a blog"
wow, the statistic did surprise me. :)
I need to see my doctor.
Ok - Since I am the master of the Dutch Oven...i think my poor lady is up to a gallon per day of anal gases. those two words make me giggle.
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