You know those commercials of which I am speaking. The ones where they show seemingly incompetent people trying to do simple tasks.
Some of the movements of these actors are so exaggerated, its comical.
One commercial that comes to mind is the one for the lids that fit anything using suction. It shows one woman trying to put a 12 inch lid on a 6 inch dish. The dish slips of the counter and breaks on the floor. Good going asswipe! If you had OUR lids, this wouldn't have happened.
Another depicts someone trying to use a hammer and nail to put something up on a tile wall, thus cracking the tile. Still another, makes the task of watering plans so extremely difficult, it is a wonder that we are even able to take care of ourselves much less a damn houseplant.
Do the advertisers REALLY think that we are all incapable of making logical, reasonable choices. Do they all think that we are so incompetent that we can't possibly get through life without their products to make us feel capable?
Although, it looks like fun to star in one of those commercials, you can make an ass out of yourself, break shit and STILL get paid. Damn I do that all of the time, I am in the wrong line of work. To think I could be getting paid to be myself. Oh well.....
Now if you will excuse me, I must go.. I see Mighty Putty is offering a free set of Shamwows if you order within the next 60 seconds.
Granted, I am hearing impaired, but do they all HAVE to scream? The more they scream, the less I want to buy.
What? Kidding.. Billy Mays drive me freakin NUTS!
Yes, apparently they think we are all deaf and incompetent.
I think Billy Mays is hawt!
(evil grin)
I've never bought anything off TV, but I seem to want almost everything. Hercules Hooks, ShamWow, Snuggies, every single Ron Popeil device ever made. They made it all look so damn necessary!
Remember the Vegamatic? I bought one for mom for her birthday when I was a little kid. She even smiled and said it was great, what a mom!
What concerns me are the warehouses of these items that didn't sell the first go around...I'm sure Billy May's will resurrect them in all his glory.
I love those kind of commercials, and the cheesy ass worse actors ever. I wonder if they're related to whoever made up the product.
I agree! The snuggie one drives me insane! I mean, how hard is to keep a blanket on your body? If it's not big enough, go buy a car tarp!
JO: They must think we are too stupid to know we are being insulted
QL.. Really? I just find him extremely annoying
Shawn.. OK OK I admit I am a sucker too.. I can't wait to find them in Target
Chris.. I DO remember that! Did she actually use it or did it get stored for that "special occasion"
Me-Me.. This must be what they throw in at the last minute "but wait there's more"
Scandy: They'd almost HAVE to be related.. not sure if anyone would do that without being paid LOTS of money
Bee LMAO@ car tarp Bee.. have you seen the WTF blanket parody on youtube? If not.. watch it.. it's hilarious!
the short answer is "yes", they DO think we are idiots...
unfortunately they are mostly right....people tend to aquire the flock mentality and just follow the herd...
The one that cracks me up is the kid who is so disgusted with his PopTart.
Toaster Strudel is the one kids want to eat. How did kids who live on chicken nuggets and fries develop such a discriminating taste?
Yes advertisers think we are idiots. This idea began when the first idiot who saw a Ronco product decided he had to have one, ordered the item and there ya go...profit for the company and a spritz in the kisser for the public.
Slyde: Thanks for keeping it simple in terms my blond head inderstand
Mike: Yeah well.. they don't have to call us I mean them out do they? lol
Joe: That one kills me too. Just the other day, I saw Ice cream fall off of a 9 year old boys cone onto the pavement, he picked it up stuck it back on his cone and continued to eat... blech!
Kelly: I have to admit.. I had to have one.. in fact I am on my 3rd! So I'm a sucker!
AD Thank you! I knew I could count on you
oh then you deflate me
You give me diabetes
The person who invented the Snuggle is now a millionaire thanks to the idiots who thought "WOW! Why didn't I think of that!"
Move forward, it falls forward, then your back is freezing. Hey! Just turn your robe BACKWARDS! Now why didn't I think of that?
The commercials that piss me off are the ones of the 20 year old women showing ME how THEY fight their wrinkles with this AMAZING wrinkle fighter cream!!! I'll take 3 bottles please.
I am so with you on this one. It drives me nuts. I wonder how many people it takes to write these commercials, or do they just hire some random person off the street and tell them to "have at 'er"
The funniest infomercial out there is the one the ShamWow guy does for the Slap Chop thing. This is a direct quote from the commercial - "You're going to love my nuts!" Oh my, did I laugh the first time I heard that.
as a commercial actress, I will tell you that none of those people are in my union (SAG) they literally cannot act, you are right
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