I'm scared!! Etta, over at Sanity on Edge has hired some goons and marked me for a hit. She originally tagged me a week ago, but I haven't done it until today so she got impatient and it turned ugly. If I don't do this meme thing (what the hell kind of a name is that for a silly game), they are going to tape my eyes open and make me watch Barama's speech from last night over and over and over. Frankly, that would send my sanity WAY over edge so here it goes:
"Your ship has sunk. You have, of course, been stranded on a deserted island. You have salvaged a copy of the King James Version of the Bible and a copy of the complete works of Shakespeare. Nothing else.
“The very next day you find one of those Arabian Lamps in the sand. Of course, you rub it and, of course, a rather grumpy Genie appears.
“‘Let’s get this straight - there is a recession going on. There are restrictions on the three wishes now. I don’t do water or air transport now so no boats, planes or magic carpets. As for electronics, forget it. There isn’t the infrastructure on this island.
“‘I can let you have one book and I mean one VOLUME, one essential item and one luxury item. Now hurry up and make your choices, I have to get to those five other islands you are going nominate.
My Book

My Essential:
Luxury Item:
Now I have to hit 5 people. I am going to hit some newer bloggers that need some love and others that I think are great (although all of you are wonderful or I wouldn't be stalking you)
SO I give you
Gone Crazy
The Queen. Her Highnes as a few different blogs to of my faves are WTF and Twisted Bloggie News
Le Shallow Gal and Secret Spineless Whine (same person different blogs)
The Scandulous Housewife
Mrs Hall
Do it or not, It is up to you. :)
I'm with you on the luxury item, well, plus a case full of double A's! lol
If you are going to be on the island awhile, your luxury item had best come with a kick starter...
I can't quite figure out what your "essential" is. Mexican food?
I love your Zombie guide. I need it to learn how to deal with myself.
I also got sent to the island. My stranded post will be out tomorrow!
Zombie Desert Island might be a good movie. Good thing you have that helpful book with you.
Thanks for the challenge. Check out my response!
will do, although there may be a repeat with the bunny love :)
hee hee
take care
Jen.. I can't believe I forgot to ask for batteries! I wonder if I can change my essential from food to batteries
Chris: I know right?? How dumb was I not to ask for batteries
Scandy: It's just "lots o food" my google search gave me that.. I Loved your responses in your post Good job!
RG: I figure if I'm stranded.. chances are there are zombies, that's just how my luck is.. I wanna be prepared
Jenn.. Good idea I wonder if I can talke Stephen King into writing it.. I want Jenifer Anniston to play me in the movie
Your Highness.. so sorry to have taxed your brain. Tell the princess to get over it ;P
Holly... it's all good.. we women KNOW what we need. I cant wait to read your answers
Mike: WOW! If you men could do THAT, we'd be all up on you ALL the time
We'd love to know how to stay safe from the zomies. Will that be another blog post? Please, please?
Can the Zombie Survival Guide also be used for Surviving...THE OTHERS?!
You know, I looked at your luxury item really fast. . . and thought it was lipstick.
"Why the heck would that be her luxury item? She doesn't even wear lipstick!" I tell the computer screen.
Then I look harder, "Oh. . .wait. . .Whoa, that looks like a p--OH MY GOD."
You have scarred me for life.
Thank you.
Beth.. i will see what I can doo.. if i survive
Trukin.. "The Others" are a little more tricky.. I dunno if it would work on them
AD I am so sorry I scarred you my dear child.. but your comment was hilarious
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