The boys can watch an hour of jealous television before turning off the boats in their room. Make sure they do not watch any violent carrots or adult nostrils.
If there any phone maps, do not identify yourself as the cupsitter. Take a message. Write it deftly on the box provided.
Remember, the baby gets his warm mucus around 6 o'clock. If the baby starts to sniff in his hopscotch, be sure to change his diaper before you put him back in his vibrator.
If you have any obese questions or blue problems, please call us on our sponge.
Good Luck
Thanks everyone for playing! If you missed playing this week, stalk me again every Sunday.
Start that kid off write. Vibrators for all babies! ;-)
Very cute!
Mmmmmm, warm mucus....
LOL RG I like that someone always includes vaibrators and somehow.. it always gets rotated in hmmmmm
Jo.. that made me throw up a little
Ugh...I came in here excited to read the madlib and read
warm mucus!
*Quirky runs screaming in horror*
Happy Monday to ya! LOL
ive got to remember check in next sunday.. this was great!
I get my warm mucus around 5. If it's any later I get heartburn at night.
Warm mucus helps get baby to sleep.
Never to young to give the spawn a vibrator...
QL... I wish it WAS a happy Monday.. sadly it was not Full moon brings out the stupid people maybe I needed the warm mucus BLECH
Slyde please do! I miss your funny shit ;)
Mike Hears to hoping you get your daily fix
Joe what I wanna know is whose mucus is it?? Nevermind. I don't wanna now
SHW I Love it when vibrator is snuck in there ewww that sounded dirty
Heeeheeeheee! Violent carrots!!!
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