Monday, November 24, 2008

Here's a great video to get your MOANday morning started in the right mood

There is nothing like a baby's laughter to make you laugh,smile and forget all of your troubles if only for a little while. It cracks me up every time I watch it.. at least once a day. Enjoy...


Kate said...

Ha- I love your site! This video drove my dog nuts. She could not figure out where that laughing was coming from. She actually started barking. Oh, and as far as the site layout, I finally ended up having Vhiel from Vhiel's Designs do the layout. I was just not having any luck at figuring out the whole web design thing.

Unknown said...

Okay it's official. I totally love your blog. Random funny stuff. I think I've smiled/laughed every time I've visited.

I'm gonna try that paper ripping trick later with my 17-month-old and see if it does anything to keep him amused. If even for a second.

He's probably grown out of that kind of thing though..
: - )

elizabeth said...

I need to laugh like that!

Babbington said...

Lol - brilliant.

That kid actually seems like a little grownup.. hehe...

If only more grownups would take a leaf out of his little book (if there were any left!).

Unknown said...

Hey soggy dog, I'm back after a loonnggg Moanday. I finally posted some stuff and left you an award on my blog. Go check it out - I know you're gonna freak.

Yeah right.


Unknown said...

Awwwwwwwwww thanks everyone. As a new blogger, I wasn't sure how I would do or how I'd be taken. You guys make me feel good every time you comment. I appreiciate it.

You all have wonderful blogs too and I am proud to be a follower!

Unknown said...

Thanks lee for the award.. I LOVE it... It's my very first one!

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