Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Should I be ashamed?

What is it about you that attracts me so? You aren't shiny, you don't vibrate unless I want you to. I don't smoke you, inject you, ingest you or even snort you. I simply caress you with my fingers and stare, or grasp on to you with both hands and move my fingers just so until explosions shake us both.

There is an understanding in this ménage à trois. No words are exchanged, no words are needed. No jealousy, no hurt feelings; just pure unadulterated joy!

We do it every day and every night. Sometimes sweating and writhing, sometimes peaceful and cool; but it is always good. Sometimes ignoring all others and their needs. Ignoring their pleas for food and drink. WHAT? They are old enough to take care of themselves. Don't you dare judge me! Ignoring their pleas to feed their own addiction. Ignoring their pleas for me to seek help. What if I don't WANT help?


So tell me computer and PS3.. why can't I EVER seem to get enough of you in this electronic bizarre love triangle? Why, PS3, must I long to feel for your vibrating controller in my hands? Why must I come to you Computer BEFORE coffee or pee?


Unknown said...

You are an addicted person all right. I think that is why you don't Facebook. THAT is addicting. Very funny, you almost had me.

darsden said...

LOL, never tried that and think I will stay away, I already don't have time to keep up in the blog world, Farm Town on Facebook..so I need no added pressure to find more hours of NOT sleeping :-) Funny Post

The Peach Tart said...

Sounds like a 12 step program might be in order. You must pee and have coffee first at least.

Sherri Murphy said...

I hear ya'. This is why I'm not on Facebook and Twitter. It's bad enough already.

Mango Girl said...

I agree with all of the above. I tried the Facebook and Twitter thing ~ long time ago. Don't have time for all that stuff! I would never get anything accomplished.

My hats off to those who are so talented to keep all those up to date while raising a family, holding down a job and living life.

blognut said...

There can be no shame in loving your toys.

And? That's all there is to it!

AD said...

. . . You disturbed me on so many levels with this post.

SkylersDad said...

Excuse me, I need to go shower...

Anonymous said...

I was going too strong with Twitter, but now? Not so much.

AND I have to say that that is the MOST adorable pic of the puppy!

Too cute and another funny post m'twittering Dear! hee hee

Unknown said...

etta.. this is EXACTLY why I don't FB Glad I tickled your funybone ;)

Dar.. LOL I have SEEN farmtown and just KNOW that I would get fired from my job if I played that. So happy you enjoyed this post.

Peach Tart.. Is there one? I really really think I need it!

Sherri.. I SWORE I wouldn't do the Twitter thing now I am fighting the urge to FB HELP ME!

MG.. With the book you are writing and the movie deal you will soon be negotiating.. I hope you will still have time to blog ;)

Blognut.. Thank you! I needed that reassurance ;)

AD.. now you see why I changed the title? Your comment really made me LMAO

Chris.. I hope it wasn't too cold

QL I loved it to was most appropriate even if it wasn't a soggy ashamed puppy. Makes me smile that you all enjoyed it so much!

Skye said...

Oh I must have a very dirty mind! I wasn't thinking on the lines you were going at all! Good post, it reminds me of the joke "What starts with 'F' and ends with 'K'?" I'll have to go look it up and post it in my blog soon so that all can have a good laugh at it :D

Mike said...

"I simply caress you with my fingers and stare, or grasp on to you with both hands and move my fingers just so until explosions shake us both."


Beth said...

But the addiction is LEGAL, right?

ReformingGeek said...

I'm on vacation and I chose your post to read? Now I need a 12-step program!


J.J. in L.A. said...

I thought you were talking about the dog, and cringed a little when I read 'menage'. lol!

Hit 40 said...

I am hooked to my laptop in the morning. I take it into the bathroom with me while I get ready. I turn it on to warm up before I do anything else too.

Unknown said...

Skye, That was the whole point! LOL Dirty minds think alike

Otin, you dirty boy.. what were YOU thinking?

Beth, Funny you should ask. I deleted a part in there I had about it being legal

RG.. LOL I'll let you know if I find.

JJ OH ugh! THAT thought never crossed my mind when I posted the pic.. sorry to scare you!

Eileen.. Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone.. I don't feel like such a freak anymore

Cynthia said...

That my dear, is why I do not have a PS3. I would lose entire days...

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