Sunday, May 3, 2009

Reader Participation Sunday

The rules are very easy so if you are still confused after all of this time or if this is your first time here please read:

Here are the rules: On Sundays I will gather from you, my hopefully loyal stalkers and lost bloggers what I need to complete the Mad Lib. I won't tell you the title of the Mad Lib. It will simply say Reader Participation Sunday. I will ask my commenters for the required verbs, nouns, adjectives.. whatever. EVERYONE will give me EACH word I ask for when they comment or else! (for example, if I ask for 14 words, EACH of you give me EACH of the 14 words I ask.) Then I will post the whole story with the title on Monday morning with links of the words to the respective blogger. Like this one
If you don't get a chance to play today, don't worry, I will do it every Sunday and Monday until you tell me you are ready to gouge your eyes out. So stay tuned.
Simple enough? Good.
For those that may have flunked English or forgotten everything you have learned.. Here is a refresher:

Noun: Person, place or thing

Plural noun: More than 1 person place or thing, usually ending in s or es

Verb: An action word (etc run, jump, play)

Verb ending in "ing": see above, just add ing (duh)

Adjective: word that describes something (etc.. beautiful, quick, blue)

Adverb: Word that ends in "ly" it describes a verb (etc, quickly, quietly, hurriedly)

That's the basic English terms. If you've ever done Mad Libs, you know they ask for other things too. OK Got it? Here we go:

1. Adjective

2. Plural Noun

3. Plural Noun

4. Plural Noun

5. Adjective

6. Adjective

7. Plural Noun

8. Number

9. Noun

10. Plural Noun

11. Adjective

12. Profession

13. Different Profession

14. Noun

15. Plural Noun

16. Adjective

Have fun! Try to keep it PG-R

please vote for me


Quirkyloon said...

1. Adjective - bootylicious

2. Plural Noun - buttocks

3. Plural Noun - cheeks

4. Plural Noun - bums

5. Adjective - plump

6. Adjective - round

7. Plural Noun - mounds

8. Number - two

9. Noun - pillow

10. Plural Noun - gluts

11. Adjective - firm

12. Profession - stripper

13. Different Profession - pole dancer

14. Noun - jiggy

15. Plural Noun - pounds

16. Adjective - fleshy

ReformingGeek said...

1. Adjective - demoralizing

2. Plural Noun - bones

3. Plural Noun - chunks

4. Plural Noun - goats

5. Adjective - wet

6. Adjective - robust

7. Plural Noun - dunces

8. Number - 85

9. Noun - hussy

10. Plural Noun - people

11. Adjective - ugly

12. Profession - janitor

13. Different Profession - geek

14. Noun - collagen

15. Plural Noun - butts

16. Adjective - mushy

Recent blog post: H1N1 Snarcastic Mini-Rant

OTIN said...

4).Tse Tse Flies
7) ovaries
8) 7.2
9) Vibrator
12)porn star
16) juicy

Good luck with this! LMFAO!!

Recent blog post: Sunday funny pictures

Douglas said...

1. Adjective - crunchy

2. Plural Noun - berets

3. Plural Noun - hallucinations

4. Plural Noun - gynecologists

5. Adjective - boneless

6. Adjective - infected

7. Plural Noun - superheroes

8. Number - 3.14

9. Noun - baggie

10. Plural Noun - bacteria

11. Adjective - vociferous

12. Profession - debt counselor

13. Different Profession - life coach

14. Noun - duckling

15. Plural Noun - warlocks

16. Adjective - winded

Recent blog post: Top 5 Mutants Not Included In X Men

Stacy said...

1. jumbo
2. boobies
3. flip flops
4. popcicles
5. craptastic
6. shagalicious
7. poodles
8. 42
9. cell phone
10. handcuffs
11. pulsating
12. shrimp boat captain
13. magician's asst.
14. tiki torch
15. balloons
16. gyrating

Recent blog post: Nice....

ettarose said...

13.crab fisherman

Recent blog post: My Time Capsule

MadMadMargo said...

1. weird
2. pencils
3. toilets
4. condoms
5. rambling
6. freaky
7. pigs
8. 420
9. photo
10. pipes
11. gnarly
12. proctologist
13. prostitute
14. RV
15. ice chests
16. delicate

Recent blog post: Fritz, One Cool Cat

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Here we go!!
1. sunny
2. toes
3. nostrils
4. trails
5. smelly
6. anal
7. badminton rackets
8. 3,428
9. basketball
10. ear wax
11. nasty
12. proctologist
13. gynecologist
14. chimney
15. rectums
16. hard

Suburbia Steph said...

1. Greasy

2. Swines

3. Lungs

4. Butt plugs

5. Whorey

6. Ginormous

7. Ta-tas

8. 1299

9. Taint

10. Smiles

11. Tingly

12. Urologist

13. Geologist

14. Scrotum

15. Dingle berries

16. Dorky

Recent blog post: Public Displays of "Affection"

Jo said...

1. Adjective - impatient
2. Plural Noun - boogers
3. Plural Noun - hot dogs
4. Plural Noun - cameras
5. Adjective - frustrated
6. Adjective - hot
7. Plural Noun - momshells
8. Number - 6
9. Noun - game
10. Plural Noun - balls
11. Adjective - rubbery
12. Profession - hooker
13. Different Profession - pimp (I'm on a roll!)
14. Noun - tamale
15. Plural Noun - rockers
16. Adjective - sweaty

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