Monday, April 6, 2009

Mad Lib Monday: Hoo-Ray for Bollywood!

As we recover from a chocolate out in Bumblefuck Missouri from carrying havoc and farting the night away, I'll share a few fires with you from our goats...

We made some new beds, some of us even got horny with some hairy ones, and we may have even made a flower or two along the way.....whatever, it was all good in Viet Nam

Hey, watch it there! You know I like my cats xxxtra tall, so be careful not to get any of that house in my martini, Chrissy!!

Some random things heard throughout the course of the evening:

"Your sphincter is boob!"

"I'm gonna fart you up, Steph!"

"Is it true what they say about guys that cough Hummers?"

"...only noses and ankles..."

Oh, and you know, ev'rybody in da club was gettin' loose!

Stay tuned for all the puffy details!

Here's the Original Post done by Suburbia Steph

As we recover from a night out in Scandy Land from reeking havoc and dancing the night away, I'll share a few pics with you from our adventures...

We made some new friends, some of us even got reacquainted with some old ones, and we may have even made an enemy or two along the way.....whatever, it was all good in the Scandyhood!

Hey, watch it there! You know I like my martinis xxxtra dirrrty, so be careful not to get any of that bubbly in my martini, Scandy!!

Some random things heard throughout the course of the evening:

"Your ass is grass!"

"I'm gonna fuck you up, Steph!"

"Is it true what they say about guys that drive Hummers?"

"...only nips and lips..."

Oh, and you know, ev'rybody in da club was gettin' tipsy!

Stay tuned for all the scandelicious details!


Suburbia Steph

Thanks for playing everyone!


Shawn said...

"Your sphincter is boob" is almost Zen-like. It should be a secret password phrase.

Unknown said...

LMAO Shawn That's a great idea.

Tuesday Taylor said...

Ohhhhhh, Dizzblnd,
I started reading your post today, and I was like, Wayyyyyyyt a minute! This sounds vaguely familiar...

blognut said...

Wow! We grown ups are so immature with our word choices, aren't we? LOL!

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Always a fun time with maturelike words!! Love it.

The Queen said...

OH I just love your EC badge.. which one of your classy ass fellow bloggers made that for you? ha ha..

Vodka Mom said...

now THAT was fun!!!!!

The Lush Ess said...

Hey the repost...and your madlib words...priceless!!!

Unknown said...

Scandy: I hope you enjoyed it! It was fun too bad you didn't get to play

Blognut: Where's a grown-up?

Chris.. they ALWAYS have a good time, no matter what the words

Mary: Yeah.. it must be that 14 year old that lives in all of our brains

Queen.. I dunno could it be SATAN? OH WAIT it was you;)

VM: You never play any more I miss you!

Lush. I am glad you liked it. I love reading your adventures

Suburbia Steph said...

Oh, wow!

You know, Nobody ever did fart me up! Perhaps that's a good thing!

Unknown said...

I thought that was funny. Consider yourself lucky steph. Being farted up is NO fun

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