Monday, March 2, 2009

Madison Ave Monday Madlib

1. Bhutanese Express-don't leave North Dakota without it.

2. When you wipe enough to send the very loud.

3. It's such a pleasure to take the ball and leave the loving to us.

4. Drive hesitatingly. The toe jam you save may be your own.

5. Is it live or is it washer?

6. Four out of five teenagers recommend melon for their trains who hit gum.

7. Twerpy, the Jaguar, says, "Only You Can Prevent Forest Piglets. Only You.

8. Couches no one can eat just 39.

9. Things go better with trick.

10. Cups melt in your hair ribbon not in your hot mamas

Thanks everyone for playing this extra long edition on Mad Lib Monday. I think it was well worth it though. Join me every Sunday to play.


ReformingGeek said...

Forest Piglets? I love it!

And melting in your hot mamas, very funny!

uh oh! Cat's going ballistic. Must go check it out.

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Love the forest piglets too! That was fun.

Anonymous said...

I remember doing those when I was a kid.

Also, forest piglets are a very serious issue.

Unknown said...

I cannot keep up with all my favorite peeps. I am sorry I missed yet another one. Three blogs are way too much! I really liked this story.

Slyde said...

damn.. forgot to participate this week...

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