The Hussy, with her Friday Facts has inspired and even given me permission to do my own Friday series. Thanks Hussy!
During an hour of swimming at a public pool u will ingest 1/12 urine. Blech! Note to self: Never go to water parks A GAIN
In an average day your hand will have come indirect contact with 15 penises. Hmmmmm I only work with 8 men... I wonder who elses penis they have touched
Annually you will have shaken hands with 11 women and 6 men who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands. Puppies and Rainbows! .. that is something I SO did not need to know!
At a wedding reception u have a 1/100 chance of getting a cold sore from one of the guests. My guess would be that it's probably the bride, the whore.
Happy National Joe Day Crotchety Old Man! I got you a card:
Oh man, none of the Facts grossed me out like that card for Crotchety.
LMAO Shawn I couldn't resist it!
Well Dizzie.
Thanks for helping me purge...I think!
Just call me your weight loss partner Quirky!
I am now very scared for my next hand-shaking business meeting... :)
Dammit, Dizzblnd!
La,la,la, I can't hear you...
I think we're safer if we just hug everyone but that might be a big uncomfortable in the workplace.
Crotechy's card!
So... does that mean that women masturbate more than men, or wash their hands less than men... Just sayin...
I live alone, in the middle of nowhere. Where do you think these 15 penises may come from that I touch...indirectly? Thanks a lot, this will bug me throughout the entire weekend.
I have no words for the card other than it made me feel self-conscience.
Mary: With all that has been going on with you, I'm not surprised.. maybe you should go do it now while you're thinking about it
Jenn: Maybe you can bring an assistant like Monk to hand you some wipes after. :)
Scandy: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh you love it and you know it! LOL
RG: I love hugs.. especially with the guys, I'd just kick the women in the shins as a greeting. We are all bitches anyway
Lana: Hmmmmmmm good point.. another reason to have an assistant hand you some wipes after a meeting
Me-me: Something creepy to ponder indeed. Sorry about the card.. I couldn't resist
UGH! YIKES is right Jo, because you KNOW they want to use both at the same time... how bout NO
Thanks for the card. Those facts have made me afraid to even think about leaving my house, BTW.
Anytime Joe anytime. Don't be too skeered. Just remember do swim in a public pool, shake anyones hand or dance with the bride. OK OK I see your point
1/12 of what in urine? grams? pints? oh hell, don't even tell me it is quarts!?!
ummmmm i hope that its 1/12 of the lowest measurment possible.. I can imagine theres more in a water theme park
...."Hmmmmm I only work with 8 men... I wonder who else's penis they have touched?"
I don't think you need to limit that question to men.
Hmmm, sounds like you went to the same wedding last weekend I went to! ;-)
David: Maybe not but oh well Thanks for stopping by
Riff: Ut oh.. you danced with her didn't you? I guess I should have put this fact up last Friday... sorry bout your luck
bleeechhhhh!!!! I'm never going to a wedding again and I'm NEVER shaking anyone's hand again either.
Jessica: Scary stuff isn't it?
Yeah, I'm boggled about the 15 penises too. (Wow, I never thought I'd be saying a sentence like that in my life.)
And like Shawn, I am COMPLETELY freaked out by the Old Man card. Bleck.
Just a funny thing... I was at a water park last summer and spent a lot of time in the kiddie pool because I have a toddler plus it's the only shady pool in the park. Apparently they have some sort of "pee alarm" that continually monitors the pool and they will shut the pool down if there is too high a level of urine. One on hand, it's great to know they shut the pool down when the concentration is too high til they get it fixed, but on the other hand it's pretty disturbing knowing they had to SHUT IT DOWN in the first place.
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