I received this in my email. It is my civic duty to pass it along to you all. You're welcome.
Police warn all men who frequent clubs, parties and local pubs to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drinks from any woman. Many females use a popular date rape drug called 'beer'.
The drug is found in liquid form and seems to be available everywhere. It comes in bottles, cans or from taps and now in 'kegs'. Beer is frequently used by female sexual predators at parties or bars to persuade their male victims to go home and sleep with them. Women need only to get a victim to consume a few units of beer and them simply ask him home for 'no strings attached sex' activities.
Male victims are rendered helpless against this popular approach.
After several beers men will often succumb to the desire to sleep with horrific-looking women to whom they would normally never be attracted. Following drinking beer men often awaken hours later with only hazy memories of what happened to them for the past several hours; however, many report a vague feeling that 'something bad' occurred.
On other occasions these unfortunate men victims are swindled out of their life savings in a popular female scam known as a 'relationship'. In extreme cases the female may be shrewd enough to entrap the unsuspecting male into a long-term form of servitude and punishment referred to as 'marriage'. Men are considerably more susceptible to this scam after beer is freely administered and sex is offered by these predatory females.
All men are urged to forward this important warning to every male they know. If you fall victim of this 'Beer Scam' and the women who administer it, there are male support groups where you can discuss the shocking details of your victimization. For support groups nearest you look up 'Golf Courses' in your phone book.
For an insightful video to see the evils of how beer works, please watch
I've been victim to the first part of that but not the second, thank dog!
You mean beer isn't good for you? I'm so confused. I have a fridge full of it. What is Hubby up to?
Damn, you caught me. Hopefully my husband won't read this!
This would not work for my husband since he is not a beer drinker...in fact, it's usually just water for him...maybe vodka would work in this instance?
My name is Travis and I am a victim.
Mike: Careful.. it COULD happen to you too.
RG: It SHOULD be good its got yeast and barley I dunno.. I'm stumped
Don't worry.. I've blocked him.. hehehehe
Mary: Sure.. it WILL work for vodka ....slip it into his water
HI Travis: There is hope for you I'll find a support group somewhere
Back where I come from, that's called, drinkin' her purdy!
Good of you to do this kind of public service announcement using your blog. Men, take note. :)
This is wrong, wrong wrong....but, oh, so right...
Of course you know such long-term addiction could lead to divorce. You know what that is: it's from an old latin word meaning to extract a man's genitals through his wallet.
Too funny! I think this is a danger for women too. I'll never forget the time I woke up with Gollum...good times, good times!
omg that is SO goddamn funny!!!!
I'm glad I got up from my drunken stupor to come over!!!
I've heard women are subject to the same kind of scam, only theirs involves tequila and a glimpse at his wallet.
CG: I think I've heard my FIL say that a few times. That's very funny
Jenn: If I don't, who will?
Every one else will just make them blog subjects.. WAIT what am I doing.. maybe I oughta pull the post..lol
Scandy: wrong, right, and funny!
NoName: Is THAT the origin? Makes sense to me. Thanks for the education
GC: Was Gollum Coyote Ugly.. Do you only have one arm?
Vodka mom.. LOL lIked that comment did you? I am happy you managed to stumble over here as well
Remo: Have we met? I am sure I have your wallet next to my empty Jose bottle
Damn! No more beer for me when I go out. I'm staying home and guzzling.
HS: You are probably a LOT better off that way
You know, that lady looks like a crystal meth addict I saw in an article about that book Tweak.
Britney Spears really turned herself around, huh?
What the heck!! This is too funny. Leave it to you to find the craziest stuff.
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